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Pegaz Holiday Resort Sloweekend program omogućava upravo to: malo vremena za mnogo opuštanja, za poptpunu ispunjenost drugačijim sadržajima, za obnovu energije, za svež pogled i lak korak. Posle jednog Sloweekend boravka u Pegaz Holiday Resort, osetićete razliku između rada koji vas troši i rada koji vas ispunjava.
Sloweekend programme is just that: a slow weekend.

A little of your time is enough to get a lot more of you.
Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja
Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja
Pegaz Holiday Resort Sloweekend needs a little of your time for a lot of relaxation, complete fulfillness through activities that energise, offer you a fresh look and an easy step.
Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja

After one Sloweekend at Pegaz Holiday Resort you will sense the difference between the work that wears you down and the work that makes you flow.

Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja
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