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U centru SlowLiving načina je usporavanje. Usporiti znači osloboditi svakodnevno od neprirodno nametnutih ograničenja i zahteva kulture savremenog življenja i rada. SlowLiving je anti-ideja i kontra-koncept u shvatanju životne svakodnevice.
SlowLiving način je rasterećen pritiska vremena, roka i redosleda. On stvara sopstveno mesto i vreme koje je uvek sada, i uvek ovde.
SlowLiving način je logika života koja je prirodno data i sama po sebi razumljiva.
Slowing down is in the very centre of the SlowLiving way. To slow down means to liberate one’s self of unnaturally imposed constraints of contemporary life and traumas of culture. Rather than being a method, SlowLiving is a counter-method, an anti-idea.

The SlowLiving way is free of pressures of time, deadline and order. It creates its own place, space and time, all being always here and always now. It is a logic of life given naturally.
Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja
Pegaz Holiday Resort opens the possibility of a different reality. A reality in which the here&now presence becomes the source of personal and societal change. Change is the essence of being. Yet, to master change one first needs to master slowing-down and contemplating.
To slow down is to cultivate the consciousness of now, it is to make a deliberate choice.
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Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja
Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja

SlowLiving compels one to accept naturally given principles of being.

Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja
Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja
By choosing slow-living one accepts one’s interdependence with one’s environment, the very environment from which we take, which inspires us, and to which we give back by being here&now.
Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja
Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja
Uniqueness comes naturally when one lives slowly. We begin to understand the value of each individual approach. SlowLiving is not just one and the same for all. Rather, it is different for each one.
The SlowLiving way transforms deeply personal experiences into the social energy of change.
Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja
The SlowLiving way is conscious and thoughout everyday being, it is a possibility to choose that which is truly important. Those are the activities that make one’s everyday pleasurable and give it meaning by mindful use of one’s time.
The SlowLiving way is a possibility that never exhausts itself.
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Hotel Pegaz Vrnjačka Banja
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